St. Thaddeus Episcopal Church

Together with worship and outreach, living in community rounds out the life of the parish. Register for our email list to learn meeting dates and times of social events, and when you are ready, bring your appetite for fun to one of our parish life activities. 

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. A Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. 

Individually, many members are active in lay ministries and parish life. As a group, the members of the St. Thaddeus Chapter of the DOK sponsor such activities as: 

  • Daily Prayers at Noon for our congregation, diocese, and the world
  • Flower Delivery to parishioners who are ill, bereaved, or alone
  • Assistance to our priests as needed
  • Participation in Diocesan DOK assemblies and retreats.
  • Monthly cards and on occasion small loaves of bread delivered to homebound persons.
  • Occasional short-term projects to help the homeless.
  • Frequent contributions to the parish blessing box

Cursillo reunion groups

Cursillo is movement to develop church leaders through spiritual renewal, piety and community development. After attending a three-day Cursillo Weekend, many Cursillistas continue to meet weekly and discuss their spiritual practices and plans. These regular meetings are called group reunions. The church office can connect you with someone who can tell you more about Cursillo or help you find a regular reunion group. 


The Men of St. Thaddeus (MOST) meets most months for a meal and fellowship on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 to about 7:30 p.m. Bring your entrée to grill; the rest is provided, though you are invited to donate $2.00 to cover that cost. MOST also assists when needed, with various parish activities including the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Any man over the age of 18 that attends St. Thaddeus is automatically a member. Men from outside St. Thaddeus are welcome to participate, too.


E.Y.C. stands for Episcopal Youth Community. The EYC is a gathering of youth, not only within an Episcopal Church, but also within a community. It is a group that helps affect change in the community and the world by helping others, while also enjoying fun and fellowship with others.
We will be gathering monthly. Watch for details in the bulletin and your email. If you have any questions regarding EYC programs, or would like to volunteer with the group, please contact the church office.

First Saturday

Children decorating Christmas cookies at December First SaturdayApproximately eight months throughout the year, the church gathers for a themed social on the month’s first Saturday. Recent themes have centered on the Kentucky Derby, football tailgating, Cinco de Mayo, and the return to school. On the first Saturday in December, parishioners green the church, make Advent wreaths and ornaments, and carol-sing for shut-ins and residents of assisted-living facilities.


Come Stitch with us. We have knitters, crocheters, cross stitchers, and needlepointers. Don’t know how? Someone can help. Bring your projects and join us as we share our gifts of time, talents, laughter, and wisdom with one another. There’s a morning, 9:30-11:30 group and an evening, 6:30-8:30 group each Tuesday in the small meeting room next to the nursery.


Are you looking to add a little bit of exercise into your life? Maybe a little fellowship too? Consider joining our “Pump N’ Pray” group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Odell Weeks track. This group meets at 6:30am at the Whiskey Rd entrance. They start off with a prayer and then begin their walk. Dumbbells are optional – some “pump”, some just walk. What a great way to start your morning (and a great way to watch the sunrise).

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Mead Hall students singing for Episcopal Church Women of St. ThaddeusAll women of the church are in ECW. The ECW meets every few months for their Ladies’ Lunch Bunch, which includes a catered meal and a speaker.